Oct. 6, 2023
6:54 p.m.
The most recent version of Django-allauth has some nice changes, it's now straightforward to include oidc.
Just include
SOCIALACCOUNT_EMAIL_AUTHENTICATION=True ## This allows existing users to login
MAILMAN_WEB_SOCIAL_AUTH = [ "allauth.socialaccount.providers.openid_connect"]
in settings.py and use the Django admin to configure the socialauth.
While it is _possible_ to add things like
SOCIALACCOUNT_PROVIDERS = { "openid_connect": { "APPS": [ { "provider_id": "mm3", "name": "TheNameThat shows up in the button", "client_id": "configuredID", "secret": "yourOIDCproviderGivesItToYou", "settings": { "server_url": "https://keycloak.wherever.com/realms/yourRealm/.well-known/openid-configurat...", "token_auth_method": "client_secret_basic", }, } ] } }
I think it's preferable to do that within the Django Admin Gui.
Does anybody dare to include this info in the documentation, or are we afraid the next django_allauth breaks things again (this time: Keycloak has been replaced by openid_connect)?