I'm new to Mailman3; being in the process of moving some mailing lists from an ancient Mailman2 installation to a new host. (These lists are not big; they are used to organize a yearly holiday of roughly 50 persons.) As part of the migration; I'm testing out actions that were done on the previous Mailman2 instance.
Currently, I stumble over confirmation of unsubscribe requests. Unsubscribe policy of the list is "Moderate". I subscribed an email address and used "Mass operations - Mass removal" in Postorius to unsubscribe it. (Actually, since it didn't work at first, I used that dialog twice.) Now I, as the mailing list owner, get a daily email vom Mailman3 that there are pending unsubscription requests that I shall approve. (Both unsubscription requests for the same email requests are listed in that email; doublettes are not handled properly.)
The unsubscriptions requests are not shown in the web interface. I suppose they should appear in the UI section "Subscription requests", either as "Pending Approval" or "Pending Confirmation". (Frankly, I don't understand the difference between these two options at all.)
Tracing the communication between Postorius and mailman3 service, I see that Postorius asks mailman3 about pending unsubscriptions with the following requests:
GET /3.1/lists/MBOX@DOMAIN
This returns list information.
GET /3.1/lists/MBOX@DOMAIN/requests?token_owner=moderator
This returns a JSON structure with properties "start" 0 and "total_size" 0.
GET /3.1/lists/MBOX@DOMAIN/requests/count?token_owner=moderator
This returns a JSON structure with count 0.
GET /3.1/lists/MBOX@DOMAIN/held/count
This also returns a JSON structure with count 0.
When one wants to see the "Subscriptions pending user confirmation", there is also a GET to get the requests of token_owner=subscriber; returning the same result as the request for token_owner=moderator above.
Looking at the mailman3 database, there are 2 records in table
workflowstate' that are in step
unsubscribe_from_restore' who
describe the open unsubscribe requests. I could not identify any other
database records that are obviously relevant to that issue. (Since
this is a fresh test setup, the database is small enough that I can
still look at any record in the database.)
Why does Mailman3 have no info in its JSON responses about the unsubscription requests that I get informed about daily? Any hints where I could look further are dearly accepted.
System information: mailman3 3.3.3; Postorius (mailman3-web) 1.3.4; both on Debian 11 (bullseye).
I know that this is out of date; thus a definitive info "this is fixed by now" is quite OK for me. (Debian upgrade is planned as the next action after getting Mailman3 to work for that use case.)
Hope that someone can guide me towards a solution,
PS: The list configuration that I actually want is something completely different: mass unsubscription by the mailing list owner without moderation; but moderation for individual unsubscription requests. This is a mailing list where every year all subscribers are setup anew. Subscribers are email-illiterate users who may know WhatsApp at best, which brings its own problems. No person (un)subscribes herself or himself; all is done by the list owner. Unsubscription would mean cancelling the holiday participation -- the list owner must then ask if that's really wanted...
Joachim Schrod Email: joachim@schrod.org Roedermark, Germany
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