Bryan Kartzman writes:
Wow, thanks for the very thorough response, Steve.
I should have started by saying that when we built the current production server, we cloned it off the test server and we were thinking now to move the data onto another clone of the old test server. So, yes we would have to apply all the changes we made since we cloned the current production server, but everything else as far as the OS is concerned should be comparable (webserver, MTA, Mailman core, Django, Hyperkitty, Postorius). That's why I was just asking about the "data" aspects of mailman/hyperkitty/postorius. What would I have to move to replicate all the lists on the current production server to a new clone of the original test server once we've applied any changes we made to production server since the clone.
If you're using the same instance of the database, and the transient queues are clean, then once you've applied those changes you just point Mailman core, HyperKitty, and Postorius at the database. If you need to copy the database into a different instance that's already running, *pro-ba-bly* you can just dump the 'mailman' database (and if you have a separate 'mailmanweb' database for Postorius and HyperKitty, that one too) as SQL code. Then load them into that database (make sure there's nothing in the SQL that messes with any existing databases in the RDBMS). If you have a fresh new instance of the database it's the same but no worries.