Right, me again. I'm so close to having what I need up and running ... but a showstopper is the max message size that triggers a moderate in it.
40kB these days is just way small ... unless you're a 1% using text-only email.
So found this on list archive: https://lists.mailman3.org/archives/list/mailman-users@mailman3.org/thread/A...
$ bin/mailman shell -l list(a)example.com // Welcome to the GNU Mailman shell // The variable 'm' is the list(a)example.com // mailing list m.max_message_size = nn // commit()
Unfortunately this does not work in the containerised mailman.
So I get the container ID and run: docker exec 3373d426996d /usr/local/bin/mailman shell -i test-list@iotcouncil.org.za
(in the post by Mark it says "-l" but I get "unrecognized argument" -- I assume it should be -i for "interactive"?
Either way, it fires up the mailman shell and then throws me straight out back to the command line:
Welcome to the GNU Mailman shell
The variable 'm' is the test-list@iotcouncil.org.za mailing list
[root@listman ~]#
So that doesn't help...