Hi All,
I am pleased to announce new releases for Mailman Suite, including
- Mailman Core 3.3.0 (Tom Swayer)
- Mailmanclient 3.3.0
- django-mailman3 1.3.0
- Postorius 1.3.0
- Hyperkitty 1.3.0
This is a feature release and also includes a bunch of bugfixes. I am really really thankful to a lot of contributors who have helped out with this release.
It is really nice to see Mailman 3 gaining more users and contributors.
Python 3.5 is the minimum supported version, but all the releases have been tested to work with Python 3.5-3.7. This is the last release to support Python 3.5 since it has been in security only maintenance mode for a while now.
Some of the highlights of this release includes:
Mailman Core 3.3.0
- Support for ARC signing. Thanks to Gene Shuman and Stephen Turnbull.
- Many many improvements to "mailman import21" command. Thanks to Mark Sapiro.
- Addition of French templates. Thanks to Stéphane Parunakian.
- A better and more scalable REST API server using Gunicorn.
- Support for SMTPS/STARTTLS. Thanks to J08ny.
A full copy of change log is available at:
Postorius 1.3.0
- Many more settings for MailingList configuration exposed, including preferred language, digest related settings.
- Support for FILTER_VHOST to filter MailingLists based on the serving domain. Thanks to Nate Coraor.
- Ability to write MailingList info in Markdown to render info in HTML instead of Plaintext.
A full copy of change log is available at:
Hyperkitty 1.3.0
- Unread messages, when logged in, are more easily recognizable with blue envelope icon.
- Improved thread view with colored background for quoted parts of messages.
- Improved readability on small screens by removing the indentation in thread view.
A full copy of the change log is available at:
All the packages are available to download from PyPi (https://pypi.org).
-- thanks, Abhilash Raj (maxking)