John Covici writes:
That post does not answer my question, it applies only to mailman2
Look, John, I understand that you're frustrated because Gentoo doesn't maintain their Mailman 3 package to the point where it's turnkey on your system, but that's not something you can blame on us. What you can do is pay us the respect of assuming we know what we're talking about, and genuinely want you to get your system set up to *your* preferences even though we're not familiar with the OS distro you chose. And you can read our posts to the end, as well as the documentation that various people have put hours into writing.
The point of citing the post is that, yes, John, that post already answered your question. No, it did not deal only with Mailman 2.
Here's the answer to this question for the third time:
For sendmail, see <https://docs.mailman3.org/projects/mailman/en/latest/src/mailman/docs/mta.ht...>
Please read it, and if you have any questions after that, we'll try to answer them.