Docker mailman 0.1.1
Where is outgoing e-mails logged? Where can I see who it was sent to?
On my test list I subscribed a new member (say recipient@hotmail.com) using Mass operation subscription. From another e-mail, not subscribed to the list (say sender@example.ku.dk) I sent a mail to the list which was held as expected. The message was logged in /opt/mailman/core/var/logs/smtp.log.
When I released the mail, the newcoming member recipient@hotmail.com received the mail as expected, but I don’t see any log messages that the mail was sent other than:
Sep 20 11:50:52 2017 (34) <6DCC3E5DA06FE346B4DE4876C4F2713D019BB70E39@foo.bar> smtp to testlist@mailman3.ku.dk for 1 recips, completed in 0.052258968353271484 seconds Sep 20 11:50:52 2017 (34) <6DCC3E5DA06FE346B4DE4876C4F2713D019BB70E39@foo.bar> post to testlist@mailman3.ku.dk from sender@example.ku.dk, 13041 bytes
-- Henrik Rasmussen <her@adm.ku.dk> University of Copenhagen, Danmark