Sept. 17, 2022
5:03 p.m.
Hi Mike,
Yes, the users can be subscribed, but they think that they can't because it seems they are until the moderator accepts them.
I tried your script again, with nothing happening. So I tried this:
a = 1 b = 1 for l in lm:
... print(a) ... a = a+1 ... for nm in l.nonmembers.members: ... print(b) ... b = b + 1 ... nm.unsubscribe() ...
commit() print(a) 1 print(b) 1
It appears that lm can't see the lists (I have 50+ of them).
On 9/16/22, 15:01 , "Mark Sapiro" <> wrote:
On 9/16/22 11:19, Allan Hansen wrote:
> Hi all,
> This is a bit of an emergency:
> I am getting a bunch of complaints from potential list members of my lists that they can't subscribe and they don't get messages. Apparently, the issue is that they are non-members. I have never created any non-members but looking at the docs it seems that if someone sends a message to the list, they automatically become non-members.
> For individuals I have been able to delete their non-membership and they then could subscribe properly.
I don't understand. the fact that an address is a non-member of a list
should not impact subscribing that address as a member.
> I have looked at some of my most popular lists and they have hundreds of non-members! It will take me an awful amount of time to remove each one manually, and not doing it - handling each as they complain - is also a lot of waste of time and cause of frustration for all involved.
What is actually happening when the non-member attempts to subscribe as
a member? What do they do and what it the result?
> I have tried scripting it with delmember, but it does not take the '-r nonmember' option ('findmember' does!).
> Can anyone help me find out how to
> a. delete all non-members of all my lists
If you have access to `mailman shell` you could do:
$ mailman shell
Welcome to the GNU Mailman shell
Use commit() to commit changes.
Use abort() to discard changes since the last commit.
Exit with ctrl+D does an implicit commit() but exit() does not.
>>> lm = getUtility(IListManager)
>>> for l in lm:
... for nm in l.nonmembers.members:
... nm.unsubscribe()
>>> commit()
> b. prevent MM3 from creating new non-members in the future (so I don't have to keep removing them)
nonmembers are an integral part of Mailman 3's architecture. The basic
idea is a nonmember has a moderation action and setting a nonmembers
moderation replaces MM 2.1's adding that address to one of
*_these_nonmembers (The legacy *_these_nonmembers attributes still
exist, but only to support regexps).
It would require extensive modification to not create nonmembers.
However, I still don't understand why the presence of a nonmember record
is an issue.
Mark Sapiro <> The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California better use your sense - B. Dylan
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