July 13, 2020
Mark Sapiro wrote:
On 7/10/20 8:10 PM, tom@gather.coop wrote:
Makes sense. So given that the opendkim milter matches on the From header, am I correct in telling opendkim to sign emails from any email address with my domain? So my whole SigningTable might be something like
- mail._domainkey.mydomain.com
Actually, I knew there was more to it than that, but I had forgotten the detail.
You can have
*@mydomain.com mail._domainkey.mydomain.com
as your SigningTable entry, but you need to specify
SenderHeaders List-Post,Sender,From
in your opendkim.conf. This will find the list address in the List-Post header of mail from your lists and that will be list@mydomain.com which will match the above SigningTable entry.