mailman@manygoodideas.com writes:
- Is there a way to trigger a digest for a user (for testing purposes)? Specifically, is there a function that can be revealed via the REST api to an interface like Postorius and Affinity?
You can't trigger a digest to an individual member (unless they're the only active digest subscriber to the list, of course, so you can experiment on a test list if it's not specific to a particular list).
I thought there was a way to trigger immediate distribution of a digest immediately, but I guess I'm remembering that from Mailman 2. Neither the Postorius management interface nor the core documentation suggests there's such a trigger in Mailman 3.
- I have customized list:member:digest:header, but am not seeing the custom text where I thought it should be. The documentation seems to imply that both list:member:digest:header and list:member:digest:footer surround each message in the digest
Which documentation do you mean? As far as I know (Mark will have authoritative information if I'm wrong), the digest header and footer appear at the top and bottom of the *whole* digest message (ie, once each per digest), not surrounding or in the bodies of the component messages.