Hi All,
I have updated and pushed releases for Container Images with 3.2 release of the suite.
They are available at:
A similar copy of both is also available at quay:
quay.io/maxking/mailman-web:0.2 quay.io/maxking/mailman-core:0.2
The releases contain the following versions of components:
mailman-core: - Mailman Core 3.2.0 - Mailman-hyperkitty 1.1.0
mailman-web: - Postorius 1.2.1 - Hyperkitty 1.2.0 - Django-mailman3 1.2.0 - MailmanClient 3.2.0
The upgrade process from 0.1 release should be relative painless, except for the full-text index, which needs to be rebuilt due to the migration from Python 2 to 3 of the full-text indexing library whoosh. You can run the following commands to do so, after the upgrade:
$ docker exec -it mailman-web bash
bash # python manage.py rebuild_index
If you are not using the default docker-compose.yaml file provided in the repo, you need to add an extra environment variable for mailman-web container, POSTORIUS_TEMPLATE_BASE_URL, which defaults to http://mailman-web:8000
. It should be the URL where your mailman-web container is listening on with HTTP (port 8000 by default).
The rolling releases are not being rolled out right everyday now, because of broken build scripts. I'd recommend everyone use the new stable releases that I mentioned above. Going forward, I'll try to release stable versions more often, so that there isn't any need for rolling version, but fixing the rolling releases is on my TODO.
Documentation for these images is available at:
-- thanks, Abhilash Raj (maxking)