Mailman3 built from source using virtual environment. Version: GNU Mailman 3.3.8 (Tom Sawyer) Python 3.9.2 (default, Feb 28 2021, 17:03:44) [GCC 10.2.1 20210110] config file: /etc/mailman3/mailman.cfg
Issue: I have restored the database number of times recently and experienced that every time after restoration (an hour after) all members getting an email that they are unsubscribed due to bounces, however non of the users are actually unsubscribed from any lists. It looks like there are duplicates in database and all the duplicates are getting unsubscribed?
Bounces message: name@email.com unsubscribed from [listname] mailing list due to bounces
Only restoring two files: mailman3 and mailman3web
Did anyone come acroos this behavior ? It is not right that after restoring a database all 1000 user get an email that they are unsubscribed, but they are actually not. I may do something wrong during the restoring process. Please advise me.