On Tue, Apr 10, 2018, at 4:12 PM, Mark Sapiro wrote:
On 04/10/2018 03:04 PM, Darren Smith wrote:
- Has anyone come up with a good log rotation strategy that doesn't necessitate a restart of the service?
I think Abhilash has answered this, but for completeness, here's what I use on lists.mailman3.org which uses nginx and gunicorn
Mailman's logs
/opt/mailman/mailman-bundler/var/logs/*.log { missingok sharedscripts su mailman mailman postrotate /opt/mailman/mailman-bundler/bin/mailman reopen &>/dev/null || true if [ -r /opt/mailman/mailman-bundler/var/gunicorn.pid ]; then PID=
cat /opt/mailman/mailman-bundler/var/gunicorn.pid
kill -s USR1 $PID fi endscript }mailman-web log
/var/log/mailman-web/*.log { missingok notifempty delaycompress su mailman mailman }
And here's mail.python.org with apache and mod_wsgi
Mailman's logs
/opt/mailman/mailman-bundler/var/logs/*.log { missingok sharedscripts su mailman mailman postrotate /opt/mailman/mailman-bundler/bin/mailman reopen &>/dev/null || true
Oh, I didn't know about the "mailman reopen" command, thanks Mark!
-- Abhilash Raj maxking@asynchronous.in