Sept. 2, 2017
8:06 p.m.
sorry, this seems to be a Django stuff, but how do I enable this social auth stuff? I get the following
Fedora: gives me a login screen (ok) Yahoo: gives me a login screen and lots of commercials (ok) OpenId: gives me a possibility to sign up or in (ok) Github: internal server error 500, Django log: DoesNotExist: SocialApp matching query does not exist.
Same with GitLab and Google.
Ok, seemingly I need to do something to make it work, has anyone a link to some snippet of documentation of example setup?
-- Claus-Justus Heine himself@claus-justus-heine.de http://www.claus-justus-heine.de/
Schatzmeister der Camerata Academica Freiburg e.V. --- www.cafev.de