Is there a how to on how to configure a list?
For example, using a hosted option, I see this menu: Subscription requests Held messages Users Templates Settings Mass operations Banned addresses Header filters
And cling on settings, for example. I have already removed my list from the list of lists on the server since I want my website users to only see my list. They can either do that here https://list.tokyoprogressive.org/postorius/lists/discuss.list.tokyoprogress... or here https://list.tokyoprogressive.org/accounts/signup/ I actually do not WANT people to join without being able to use the web interface because it is intended to be a discussion list. So the option to subscribe without creating an account. is confusing to me, which is why I prefer the latter.
BUT...using a test of signing up myself (using 3 other email addresses I have), some using the subscription option and some using the bottom one (no account), all the email addresses end up in my members list and non end up in my non members list.
(So I am wondering what a non member is. I had thought it was someone who signed up without registering (just name, no password), but if so i wonder why all 3 of my addresses end up in the members place.
Lastly, I want to configure it as a discussion list. However, I do not see that option, which was clear in MAILMAN 2.
(And I understand that if someone registers without making an account, I cannot set them myself to have an account enabling them to see the archives and post from the web? If it IS possible, that would be great, because the purpose of the archives in my case is to enable better discussions than if one has only to refer to their past emails.)
That is about it for now, but I am stuck on this right now and a user manual for non techie people, if it exists, would be nice. I see one for list members but not administrators. Maybe I am looking in the wrong place?