April 20, 2018
9:46 a.m.
Am 19.04.18 um 16:41 schrieb Mark Sapiro:
On 04/19/2018 02:41 AM, Alexander Klotz wrote:
Hi everybody,
we tried to make a fresh installation out of the current version following the readme.md - we encounter the following error trying to do so. As mentioned elsewhere, 'sass' has been replaced by 'sassc', however, maybe somewhere there is still a reference to it that may have been overlooked? The answer to a similar error posted to this list in August 2017 unfortunately didn't help either.
What do you have in your Django settings for COMPRESS_PRECOMPILERS?
Do you actually have sass or sassc installed?
Hi Mark,
the error was indeed in our local django setting, it still said "sass" on there - sorry and thanks!
Regards, Alex