朱超 writes:
Yes, I know why 404 is reported,The url should be postorius not be mailman3,
In the stock configuration both "mailman3" and "postorius" invoke the same view, and I'm fairly sure several templates invoke "mailman3" rather than "postorius". I believe the logic was that casual users will recognize "mailman3" more readily than "postorius", and similarly for "archive(s)" vs. "hyperkitty".
https://www.example.com/postorius/lists/$list_id/confirm/?token=$token, and it report success. I am curious why there is no similar processing logic for unsubscribing in postorius。
I don't understand what you're suggesting. A subscribed user necessarily has a confirmed address, and if a web administration app is running, they can log in and with a couple of clicks unsubscribe. Unsubscribe by mail does involve a confirmation step. As explained before, the reply confirmation is surely available to core; if you want I believe you can craft email templates to use the web confirmation either as an option or the preferred method.
Can we optimize for this?
What do you mean by "optimize"?
If you mean fewer steps for the user, I believe the FAQ explains how to create a one-click unsubscription URL (at least that was possible with Mailman 2). There is a mild denial of service possibility, of course, but it doesn't involve third parties and is usually recoverable since the unsubscribe generates an email to the "victim" who can check archives in the majority of cases and easily resubscribe.
If you use mailman-web (include postorius and django-mailman3 and django-allauth and so on) to set the template information, the template obtained by mailman-core is obtained by requesting mailman-web,
No, the templates used by core and by Postorius are stored in different databases. It's true that you can use Postorius to set core's templates, but they're still stored in core's database, not in Django. They *must* be, because core needs to be able to send email even if there is no web interface at all. I suppose you could arrange that one could be set by the other. If you want to define a protocol so that any application that speaks the REST API can do this, I suppose it could be added to Mailman. But we can't depend on web administration being installed at all, and we can't depend on it being Postorius.