2023-05-08 14:18 に Michael Schaarschmidt さんは書きました:
I’m an administrator of a MM3 with a lot of lists, which are generated and maintained through the rest api. For testing reasons I am looking for a way to send a test mail with a ping to a list in MM3 from a mail address of an administrator to get a pong from the MM3 - or even better
- get a response with the status of the list like number of recipients, number of mails waiting for moderation, etc. Does exist a solution for such a purpose?
No. Parsing email robustly is really hard, and for many installations there would be the problem of dealing with authentication. That's why we created the REST API for administration. We will not be creating admin-oriented email interfaces, although we will continue to maintain the user-oriented subscribe/unsubscribe/owner/request mailboxes, as well as the bounces mailbox for internal use.
Any information about Mailman configuration, membership, or status that is available through the web interface (Postorius) is available through the REST API. The only exceptions are related to web authentication, for which Postorius (and HyperKitty) maintain a small auxiliary database of users. Unfortunately there isn't an enumeration of endpoints available from the REST API itself, so you'll have to look at the code in mailman/src/mailman/rest to find the endpoints you want.
-- University of Tsukuba Faculty of Policy and Planning Sciences Tennodai 1-1-1, Tsukuba 305-8573 JAPAN tel/fax: +81-29-853-5091 turnbull@sk.tsukuba.ac.jp https://turnbull.sk.tsukuba.ac.jp/