Mark Sapiro writes:
Kartheek wrote: I am trying to setup postorius using this website -
I've used up all my bandwidth for now with the "can't send mail in Docker" thread, but FWIW Kartheek appears to be using Homebrew to manage third party packages on Mac, and in particular to install Python. I don't recall specifically with respect to Python, but I suspect that there's a "Homebrew system 'python'" (I know Homebrew does that with certain important programs that the Homebrew system depends on). That might very well confuse pip and other setup programs, since Homebrew likes to put stuff in places where you normally wouldn't find them to avoid conflicts (eg, multiple versions of Python). I can't be more specific about problems, and you'd hope that such stuff would "just work", but that might at least explain Mailman looking for stuff in "wrong places" (which might actually be right for Homebrew).