On 10/28/2021 5:28 PM, Abhilash Raj wrote:
The instructions are basically in the issue description, pending move to a documentation page:
If you are upgrading the latest 0.4.x release from 0.3.x, you also want to look at
Awesome! Thank you for that info! I just upgraded from 0.4.1 (which was the tag I used for the initial install) to 0.4.2 and it all looks good. The lists are still there in the output of this command on the host:
docker exec -u mailman mailman-core mailman lists
After the upgrade, I sent a test message to one of the mailing lists that looks like it worked perfectly.
I assumed that it would be necessary to update the tags in the docker-compose.yaml file, and I did so. Should that be added to the instructions?
One thing that was very non-obvious is how to get the containers to start at boot time. A command like this, issued three times with the actual ID values for the containers, took care of it for me:
docker update --restart=unless-stopped 0576df221c0b
If it is possible to have the docker-compose.yaml file set that flag when it creates the containers, I think that would be a good idea. I did notice that the postorius and mysql docker-compose configs do set the database container (but not the mailman containers) to restart always ... but my limited experience with docker tells me that unless-stopped is a better option.
If you can send a PR for the config you set up for Apache in Github, or just an issue, I can include it in the docs :-)
I created an issue and included a sanitized copy of my virtualhost config.
Thanks, Shawn