Am 12. Juli 2018 um 08:14 Uhr -0700 schrieb Mark Sapiro:
This is due the the change from Python 2.7 to Python 3. The existing search index is not compatible with Python 3 whoosh.
Ah, I see.
I fixed this by deleting all the files in the index directory which is defined as PATH in HAYSTACK_CONNECTIONS in your settings and running 'django_admin update_index', but just running 'django_admin rebuild_index' should do it.
I simply followed your first suggestion, and it worked. I deleted all files in the index directory (which was "fulltext_index" in the "mailman-suite_project" directory, as we use https://gitlab.com/mailman/mailman-suite/tree/master/mailman-suite_project) and then ran update_index. That took a while, but succeeded. Since then the errors are gone.
Thank you! Marvin
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