I have Mailman 3.2.1 installed (on Debian Linux), using exim4 as the MTA.
I have been trying to figure out how to use the Linux command line to add members to a list and delete members from a list, but am having trouble with deleting.
Here is what works for adding a list member... % echo mike@foo.com | mailman members --add - mylist@domain.org
Here is what works for viewing the list members... % mailman members mylist@domain.org
But I'm having trouble deleting a member. Here is what I have tried that didn't work...
# echo mike@foo.com | mailman members --delete - mylist@domain.org Usage: mailman members [OPTIONS] LISTSPEC Try "mailman members -h" for help. Error: no such option: --delete # echo mike@foo.com | mailman members --delmembers - mylist@domain.org Usage: mailman members [OPTIONS] LISTSPEC Try "mailman members -h" for help. Error: no such option: --delmembers
What is the correct command to delete the member mike@foo.com from the list mylist@domain.org?
(I ran "mailman members -h", and it mentions "add" but does not mention deleting at all.)