On Aug 23, 2021, at 10:48 AM, Andy Cravens <acravens@uen.org> wrote:
I’m testing Mailman3 on Ubuntu 20.04 and installing the packages from the default Ubuntu repo. I’m not sure I’ll perform the install this way once we move to production. I don’t know what group is responsible for keeping the Mainlam3 package in the Ubuntu repository up to date but I’d like to find out how committed that groups is to keeping the package current. We patch often and it would be convenient if the Mailman3 package is kept updated and current. If there is going to be some significant lag time I may decide to install manually when we go to production. Any thoughts on this?
This isn’t responsible for maintaining Ubuntu packages, I am not sure who does. I may be completely wrong on this, but my understanding is that Ubuntu uses the packages from Debian directly and the Debian packaging team handles the packaging of Mailman which you can find the contact for here the package details 3.
You can compare the current version in Ubuntu repos1 with Mailman releases2 to get an idea, but they usually lag behind a couple of versions.
Having said that, from what I understand, the Debian packages for new versions of Mailman packages are built and made available pretty soon (unless there is an issue with a missing dependency or required a patch to get into Debian) after the release, even if they aren’t included in the Debian releases immediately.
-- thanks, Abhilash Raj (maxking)