Why are you losing confidence? I have seen a lot of your questions answered. When I setup your list for you, I applied the DMARC setting for your list according to best practices and the way we set up lists for our Mailman 2 clients. I believe unconditional dmarc mitigation should be set to no as I believe the mitigation would be applied to those email providers that don't publish a dmarc record. I don't see why everything has to be "perfect" before you can start using your list. Settings can always be adjusted.
Have a great day!
Thank you Brian. I was losing confidence because most but not all questions were answreed, and I have a learning disability that causes me to get messed up with technical detail if I do not understand.
I did not understand the meaning exactly of dmarc and mitigation. Just as your note came in, Abhilash also wrote and now I think I have it. The reason why I like everything to be perfect is that I was afraid of messages disappearing into who knows where.
But now I think I am all set. Appreciate your note!!!