I have been asked to take over the management of the mailman3 servers as the prior admin left little documentation. One of the first things I need to do is optimize the logging.
Currently the mailman.log is being rotated and zipped by user list and kept 5 day. (this is fine but would like to increase it some)
But the smtp log has not been rotated since August (also created by user list)
I cannot seem to find what process does this and how I can modify it.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
[University of Nevada, Reno logo]<https://www.unr.edu/>
David Vanecek Senior Server Administrator Office of Information Technology
Work-phone: (775) 682-5065<tel:(775)%20682-5065> dvanecek@unr.edu<mailto:dvanecek@unr.edu> https://www.unr.edu/oit
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