Finally got a scenario where there was contents queued up for digest delivery and not enough traffic to kick off size based digest volumes. Running "/usr/local/bin/mailman digests --periodic --verbose" ran through all the lists and kicked out digests successfully.
So something is making this work when I run it as the lists user by hand, but fail when I run it from cron as the lists user. Clearly this is on my end, I'll report back if I find anything useful or interesting.
On 6/13/2023 2:14 PM, Mark Sapiro wrote:
On 6/13/23 10:58, Joel Lord wrote:
I ran the "/usr/local/bin/mailman digests --periodic" again, sadly without the --verbose, and it kicked out the digests as it ought to have the first time. Now I have to wait for some list traffic to come in to "recharge" the digests so I have something to test with again.
Even with the --verbose option, it wouldn't have helped much because it worked. What we would really like to see is the output with the --verbose option when it fails.
It is a mystery to me why it would sometimes fail and sometimes not with the same digest.mmdf file.
-- Joel Lord