We have a number of Mailman 3 servers running on AWS infrastructure. To help us maintain that, we're using Route 53 Health Checks to alert us when something stops responding.
For the MM3 servers, we're probing "/mailman3/lists/".
We've observed that when a server gets patched during a maintenance window, it will get rebooted and there is a phase where Django responds to web queries but the underlying MM3 services aren't quite in place yet. As a result, we then get emails from Django telling us about the service not being available.
Given the number of AWS health checkers, that can result in quite a few emails ...
Is there another URL we could use to check the health of a MM3 server without triggering the emails during service startup? Or, if not, is there a way of stopping Django from sending out the emails? We'd get alerted of a problem via AWS anyway, so I'm not too worried about not receiving the Django emails.
Thank you.