Hasan Berkay Çağır wrote:
We've been running a Mailman3 instance with Debian 10's official package:
For some reason, and only on some lists, when we try to see held messages on Postorius, we get an error message "An error occurred while processing your request." and the following error email:
""" Internal Server Error: /postorius/lists/list.example.com/held_messages
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/mailmanclient/restobjects/mailinglist.py" in get_held_page 134. return Page(self._connection, url, HeldMessage, count, page)
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/mailmanclient/restbase/page.py" in __init__ 37. self._create_page()
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/mailmanclient/restbase/page.py" in _create_page 62. response, content = self._connection.call(self._build_url())
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/mailmanclient/restbase/connection.py" in call 99. raise HTTPError(url, response.status, content, response, None)
Have you checked the various Mailman logs from Mailman Core? I had something similar to this and it was because the message files relating to the particular held message had been deleted from the file system but were still referenced in the database when I moved to a new server a while back.
In my case I fixed the problem by copying a valid held message file to the location where the referenced message should be and was able to delete it via the web interface. This is a hacky workaround but was sufficient to get me through my mistake.
This may not be the case of course but you should find more info in the Mailman logs itself on the server, not sure where those are by default on the Debian package.
Thanks. Andrew.