This is because in the chain of rules being tested for the post, the header matching rules are tested before non-member moderation. <snip> For this one, member moderation holds come before header matches, so I think your issue is only for non-members. If you want that check to come first reorder these lines
Great - I'll take that approach and see how it goes and then might tinker with the code so it isn't just a simple first-come-first-server result but can tell me if it matches both a non-member/moderated member filter and a header filter. I'll share for peer feedback and testing (since I'm new to this) as I go.
I guess I should join the developers list for this or more just fork the code, make changes and make a merge request?
You've seen the code and the comments in mailman/chains/headers.py. We would welcome a merge request to implement this.
I'll give it a go :-) I might need some guidance for my first contributions....but should improve from there as get familiar with the code base and making changes (coding isn't my day-job but I seem to do a lot of hacky stuff for myself so can keep learning).