Hi Mark,
Mark Sapiro <mark@msapiro.net> 於 2019年10月24日 週四 上午8:42寫道:
Actually, there is no 1.2.5. The next release after 1.2.4 is 1.3.0, but you can still set preferred_language for the list using the REST API or mailman shell.
For example in mailman shell
$ mailman shell -l zh-l10n.lists.linux.org.tw Welcome to the GNU Mailman shell The variable 'm' is the zh-l10n.lists.linux.org.tw mailing list
m.preferred_language <Language [en] English (USA)> m.preferred_language = 'zh_TW' m.preferred_language <Language [zh_TW] Chinese (Taiwan)> commit()
Thanks for your help. I did what you said above, but then I still got the same result even after restarting mailman3 services.
~# mailman shell -l zh-l10n.lists.linux.org.tw Welcome to the GNU Mailman shell The variable 'm' is the zh-l10n.lists.linux.org.tw mailing list
m.preferred_language <Language [zh_TW] Chinese (Taiwan)> quit()
I created a new list with Chinese display name, set the preferred_language and then subscribed to it. Also got question marks.
Is there anything else to try?
Thanks, Franklin