I guess my message wasn't clear?
Let me try again.
I have not made any list settings or sent mails because I do not want my archive filled with a lot of test mails.
I am simply trying to understand
a) why there are supposed to be two ways to sign up--one where you just get the messages by email and one where you are able to interact with the archives and send from the web interface.
Example, as seen here---> https://list.tokyoprogressive.org/postorius/lists/discuss.list.tokyoprogress...
- I was told that Subscription / Unsubscription lets you truly register
and that just below that
- "You can also subscribe without creating an account" lLets you just receive emails but not interact with the archives.post from the web.
--> Aside from the confusing use of "subscribe/subscription for both, when I tried testing both options, BOTH sets of emails ended up in my members list.
If there is a guide (I was told it is not ready), it would help, but anyway:
Can anyone help me understand the problem above?
Will it go away if I enter my settings? Will my users (this who truly register with a password) be able to get the archives and post from the interface?
The next post is about the other issue: