Hi --
We've noticed slowness in mass un/subscribing users; looking through the issue(s) log we see both #419 [1] and #627 [2] open and related. From the cmd line we get better performance, but with the subscriber size on many of our Faculty/Staff/Students ad-hoc lists (think 1k-15K subscribed addresses) and with our number of lists (2600) and unique owners utilizing these actions it would be helpful to optimize the mass actions. We wanted to get some thoughts and guidance on what needs to be optimized/redesigned/fixed? Or is there already something in the works, but needs more time? We may be able to provide resources to encourage and/or assist with any development and/or testing...
We run a split core/web setup with Apache,mod_wsgi and MySQL backend (AWS hosted).
[1] - https://gitlab.com/mailman/mailman/-/issues/419 [2] - https://gitlab.com/mailman/mailman/-/issues/627