On 9/19/20 10:11 AM, Massimo ZappalĂ wrote:
Hi everyone, if I write a my lists from other email address I get the correct message: opendkim[23516]: 8EEE440FFD: DKIM-Signature field added (s=mailselector, d=catania.linux.it).
While if I write to a my lists from email address Gmail, on opendkim I get the following messages: opendkim[23516]: BA95241952: no signing table match for 'maszap69@gmail.com' opendkim[23516]: BA95241952: s=20161025 d=gmail.com SSL error:04091068:rsa routines:int_rsa_verify:bad signature opendkim[23516]: BA95241952: bad signature data
OpenDKIM on your server is not signing the message because it is not configured to sign messages From: 'maszap69@gmail.com'
What's in your opendkim SigningTable and what's in your opendkim.conf for SenderHeaders.
The recommend config is
SenderHeaders List-Post,Sender,From
to use the domain of the list for signing list mail and then to include that domain in SigningTable.
I also receive an email at superuser:
[Django] ERROR (EXTERNAL IP): Internal Server Error: /hyperkitty/api/mailman/archive
Internal Server Error: /hyperkitty/api/mailman/archive OperationalError at /hyperkitty/api/mailman/archive (1366, "Incorrect string value: '\\xF0\\x9F\\x98\\xB1\\xF0\\x9F...' for column
at row 1") ...
This appears to be unrelated. HyperKitty is trying to store the message in the database hyperkitty_email table and gets this error. To say more, I'd need to see the complete raw message which you may be able to find in Mailman's var/archives/prototype/<list_address/new/ and if available, a full traceback and possibly more from the email you receive from Django or from the log file configured in your Django settings.
-- Mark Sapiro <mark@msapiro.net> The highway is for gamblers, San Francisco Bay Area, California better use your sense - B. Dylan