I'm in an odd situation where I need to rename a bunch of lists. They were all created on mailman2 originally and migrated to mailman3 (very successfully, TYVM) but the names were all originally discuss-<foo>@domain and it's very confusing to be sure you're always sending to the correct <foo>. We want to completely rename the lists to <foo>-discuss@domain.
These lists do not keep archives, so if I have to resort to extracting the subscriber lists and the configs and building new lists, I'm completely fine with that. Problem is, I'm really used to MM2 and config_list and could do this without thinking using those tools... that I don't have.
Running MM3 3.2.2 trying to make this happen. Any assistance I could get will be greatly appreciated.
-- Joel Lord Web Administrator, Alpha Psi Omega Grand Cast etc... etc... etc...