On 10/21/2017 01:46 PM, Peter Mueller wrote:
mailman2 had the configuration variable "msg_footer" to edit/remove the footer. How can I get rid of the footer in mailman3?
The doc is at <http://mailman.readthedocs.io/en/latest/src/mailman/handlers/docs/decorate.h...>, but it's a bit complex.
First, the message footer template name is 'list:member:regular:footer' and the digest footer template name is 'list:member:digest:footer' and if you want the same template for both, the name 'list:member:generic:footer' will do. The easiest way to set these is to create a template for the desired language (probably 'en') or an empty file if you want no footer.
Then, there is a 'var' directory in the Mailman installation which contains sub directories named 'archives', 'cache' 'data', 'etc', 'ext', 'lists', 'locks', 'logs', 'messages', 'queue' and 'templates'.
You can put list specific templates in var/templates/lists/LIST.ID/en/, domain specific templates in var/templates/domains/DOMAIN/en/ and sitewide templates in var/templates/site/en/.
For example if you put an empty file at var/templates/site/en/list:member:generic:footer and a non-empty file at var/templates/lists/list.example.com/en/list:member:regular:footer, all messages and digests will have no footer except for regular deliveries from the list.example.com list which will use it's template. list overrides domain overrides site overrides default.
-- Mark Sapiro <mark@msapiro.net> The highway is for gamblers, San Francisco Bay Area, California better use your sense - B. Dylan