On Sat, Jul 28, 2018, at 7:47 AM, Tom Browder wrote:
I want to install MM3 on a virgin host running Debian 9. I want to minimize problems as bugs are fixed and necessary upgrades are published.
I will use PostgreSQL, nginx, and Postfix, and am reasonably competent runnng my own remote server (full control, hard iron server, not virtual). The host will only serve mail to the public and nothing else (no websites, no other users). I did run a successful MM2 site (thanks to Mark’s copious and gracious help!) for a couple of years from 2011 to 2013, so I’m no stranger to some of the MM3 jargon.
I have been running Apache 2.4+ with 10+ virtual https websites since 2010. I use Letsencrypt certificates for all of them.
I have no experience with Docker, Django, or nginx.
Should I choose the Docker method or individual compnent installation?
I realize this is an open ended and very subjective request, but I would appreciate any advice.
I'd recommend using the system packages for Debian/Ubuntu. I am not sure if Debian already has 3.2 release, but it should be available soon.
Docker based deployments are easy if you are comfortable using Docker or similar technologies for deployments. For past few releases, I find them to be quite stable and administration is very similar except a few networking related setup.
Finally, if you want to be running at the bleeding-edge, getting the bug fixes the day they are done, you can install from source using a virtual environment. We (mailman developers) do it for a few of the lists that we run (like this one), but if your service is going to be critical, I'd recommend against it. Although, rolling back after a bad update shouldn't be harder than git co HEAD~
Not sure I can give more advice than this, but there is documentation for Docker images1 and setting up using virtual environment2 is available.
-- thanks, Abhilash Raj (maxking)