Has anybody managed to use the Django-Allauth Yahoo provider to authenticate towards Mailman3?
I have integrated mailman3/django-allauth/gmail — it works. I want in the same way to integrate mailman3 with yahoo mail.
As advised at https://docs.allauth.org/en/latest/socialaccount/providers/yahoo.html , in yahoo I register an application with redirect URL https://l.bapha.be/mm3/accounts/yahoo/login/callback/ , then I add credentials under mm3/admin/socialaccount/socialapp/: client ID and Private Key. I append in settings.py:INSTALLED_APPS = [… 'allauth.socialaccount.providers.yahoo' ].
After I do all of this, I eventually visit /mm3/accounts/login/?next=/mm3/postorius/lists/at.l.bapha.be/, click on Yahoo: “Sign In Via Yahoo . You are about to sign in using a third-party account from Yahoo.” → [Continue]. Now at https://login.yahoo.com I enter user name and password.
Then I get a site, partially in English, partially localized. It is in my domain at address /mm3/accounts/confirm-email/ , and states:
Messages: Confirmation of email address sent to ...@yahoo.com Menu: Entrance \r\n New registration
Confirm your email address:
We have sent an email to you for verification. Follow the link provided to finalize the signup process. If you do not see the verification email in your main inbox, check your spam folder. Please contact us if you do not receive the verification email within a few minutes.
I have indeed received an email, which states: New signin from … Hi, Your Yahoo account … was just used to sign in on …. If you did this, you’re all set. If not, please use this link to stop sharing, and create a new password. Have a great day! Thanks,Yahoo
So, the /account/confirm-email states I have received an email for verification, but the email sent says no verification is needed, I am all set up.
Any idea what can I improve?
In addition https://gitlab.com/mailman/mailman-suite/-/blob/master/mailman-suite_project... suggests adding in settings.py:
SOCIALACCOUNT_PROVIDERS = {'openid': {'SERVERS': [dict(id='yahoo', name='Yahoo', openid_url='http://me.yahoo.com')]}}
which I have not done. That is, I do not use the “openid” provider, but the “yahoo” provider. Do I have to use the OpenID provider when using Yahoo?
Greetings Дилян