bob B writes:
Thanks, I thought about a separate instance, but then I have to set them up a separate mail domain, which may ultimately be the answer... but I am sure there will be meeting to discuss :)
How quickly do you need this, and how secure does it need to be? For example, are the relevant folks all going to be coming from inside the organization's firewall? (I'm thinking "locks are for honest people, the crooks know how to pick them".)
@PeanutGallery Anybody else want it?
I'm interested in working on it (I'd like to see more layered security in Mailman, among other things) but tbh I wouldn't bet on me getting it done in less than 6 months, even with the head start that "lemme" gives. OTOH, if several people express interest and optionally (I mean optionally but it does help ;-) put some money behind it, you might find somebody with more current skills interested in the work. For the longer term, there's Summer of Code (no guarantees it will even exist, and we might not get a nibble from an appropriate student).