On 2025-02-04 23:59:04 -0000 (-0000), c.benner--- via Mailman-users wrote: [...]
The interface of the machine is bound to one IP Address public but for example here written as:
Id like to add a new Domain.
My first step would be to add another IP Address to the interface: (e.g.)
Then I'll change the virtual host settings in apache conf from first domain which is actually listeing to *:443 to
And add a second site with [...]
Be aware that you can rely on SNI (TLS Server Name Identicator, RFC
3546) in Apache with SAN (X.509 SubjectAltName field as described in
RFC 3280) listing all the domains in your LetsEncrypt cert, and then
set SITE_ID = 0
in the settings.py file used by mailman-web to
instruct it to choose the correct site based on the domain name used
in the URL:
You don't actually need a new IP address for each domain on the server. I manage a MM3 server that handles lots of different domains from a single IP address and it works just fine.
-- Jeremy Stanley