This seems to me like basic simple questions, I have tried FAQ and other resources, with not much success.
I have two questions:
- When I send an email to a list, in gmail and yahoo I see the following text with the links at the end of the email body:
Testlist_dmark1 mailing list - listname@domain.tlb<mailto:testlist_dmark1@newlistserv.aaas.org> To unsubscribe send an email to listname-leave@domain.tlb
In<mailto:listname-leave@domain.tlb%0b%0bIn> outlook this is added as an attachment in the form of a TEXT file, when you open it, you see the same text. Question: Is there a way to change this, that it looks in outlook the same way as it appears in gmail/yahoo?
I know MS does it own stuff sometime and we have no impact on that, but I was thinking maybe we might change the footer in a way that outlooks sees that as part of email body.
- How may I change the format and the text in footer? I was expecting it under list > setting, in postorius, but I could not find it.
Best regards Mohsen Masoudfar Lead System Analyst, IT Operation American Association for the Advancement of Science 1200 New York Ave, NW, Washington, DC 20005 202-326-7087