On 01/11/2018 11:16 AM, cyp@trojina.si wrote:
I've had this problem when mailman was importing new lists (I had script running) and I wanted to access those lists. I am using sqlite as well. I'm not sure this is our case, as we only have a few mailing lists and don't manually run any scripts. And yet this error comes up a lot (on the order of several times a day). I think it generally comes up when the user is clicking in the browser, getting a 500 error. After a reload or 3, it tends to go away, which is why I've been shamelessly ignoring this for months, but I can't get away with this anymore. :) Assuming you set up everything as mentioned in the docs, you have a couple of cron jobs that interact with the database...
Basically any script that interacts with sqlite will lock it for as long as the script runs. Web workers appear to always time out when a script is running...