Alain D D Williams wrote:
I assume that that will create some database tables. Hopefully this will have been done by installing package python3-mailman-hyperkitty.
You'll need mailman3, mailman3-web and python3-mailman-hyperkitty installed (or mailman3-full, which includes those three).
• What database & tables will that be ? It would be really useful to be told so that I can check.
+-----------------------------------+ | Tables_in_mailman3web | +-----------------------------------+ | account_emailaddress | | account_emailconfirmation | | auth_group | | auth_group_permissions | | auth_permission | | auth_user | | auth_user_groups | | auth_user_user_permissions | | django_admin_log | | django_content_type | | django_mailman3_maildomain | | django_mailman3_profile | | django_migrations | | django_q_ormq | | django_q_schedule | | django_q_task | | django_session | | django_site | | hyperkitty_attachment | | hyperkitty_email | | hyperkitty_favorite | | hyperkitty_lastview | | hyperkitty_mailinglist | | hyperkitty_mailinglist_moderators | | hyperkitty_mailinglist_owners | | hyperkitty_profile | | hyperkitty_sender | | hyperkitty_tag | | hyperkitty_tagging | | hyperkitty_thread | | hyperkitty_threadcategory | | hyperkitty_vote | | postorius_emailtemplate | | socialaccount_socialaccount | | socialaccount_socialapp | | socialaccount_socialapp_sites | | socialaccount_socialtoken | +-----------------------------------+
• I have several different maildomains each with several lists.
I think (!) you'll have to add each mail domain in Django, i.e. <http://yourhost.example/mailman3/admin/>, section "Django Mailman 3", "Mail domains".
Some lists in different domains have the same name.
Doesn't matter, as the list name for all parts of Mailman3 is "listname@domain.example", i.e. including the domain.
One of the next things that I will need to do is to import archives from mailman2. How does the command below change for the different domains ?
django-admin hyperkitty_import --pythonpath example_project --settings settings -l ADDRESS mbox_file [mbox_file ...]
AFAIS you'll have to use "/usr/share/mailman3-web/manage.py" instead of "django-admin".
For me, that command has worked:
| python3 /usr/share/mailman3-web/manage.py hyperkitty_import -l listname@domain.example /path/to/listname.mbox
You'll have to do that for every list, regardless of domain.
Is there some better documentation that I have failed to find ?
Not that I know of.
Most is - more or less - documented, but it's not easy to apply the documentation to a Debian installation. It was a bumpy ride, but not really that problematic, as I remember; some googling and try and error was involved. ;)