I am seeing some anomalies with message threading. without going into detail about the symptoms, first le me ask how does Hyperkitty thread messages? Is it based on the message-id in the header, guaranteed unique, or on the subject header?
I appear to have a situation where people reply to a message, and then probably thinking to start a new thread, change the subject field., and them post. The message goes to the original thread. I cant stop people doing this as it seems the vast majority of people all over just hit reply for most things anyway as they are generally too lazy to start a new mail (drives me nuts).
With this situation, where the subject has apparently been changed, Hyperkitty adds a not to the top of the post "New subject ...' which is what makes me think the message id is involved.
Some of my subscribers say they do this all the time on the old Listserv mailing list and a new thread is started.
Any help would be appreciated. It's difficult fro me to manually ressign the incorrectly threaded replies as there is no parent message to attach them to.