some systems also support the sar command (system activity report). If you have it read the manpages to see all the options as there are many.
When looking for performance issues/problems that aren't real easy to find I like to just let 'vmstat 5' run in a window and take a look occasionally, particularly when things seem slow. I prefer the 5 second readings to see more about general trends.
On 4/11/2017 8:33 PM, Mark Sapiro wrote:
On 04/10/2017 02:25 PM, David Krantz wrote:
Now running mailman 3 I am a bit surprised that the memory footprint is so large. I count to 13 processes with each a virtual space of 160-250MB and a reserved space of about 50MB each. Not much, but quite much to run on smaller cloud instances which generally have limited memory. This is (a lot) more than the corresponding postgres installation uses,
Is this normal?
Those numbers seem "normal" but you really have to look deeper to understand if you just have a bunch of processes sitting in memory because the memory is available and nothing else wants it, or if there's real memory contention going on.
The article at <https://wiki.list.org/x/4030711>, while written about Mailman 2.1, has some general information which may be of interest.