- Lars Schimmer (l.schimmer@cgv.tugraz.at) [210301 09:10]:
On 27/02/2021 04:02, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
Lars Schimmer writes:
Hm, it completely ignores the standard way for Debian: apt-get install mailman3-full also exim4 as standard mailer. And apache2.
Right. The idea is that Debian is a *component* of *Brian's* system, not that Brian is installing a Debian system. One problem is that a lot of people like to run Debian Stable, which lags our releases by many months, sometimes a couple of years. A lot of people run a Debian Stable system plus a couple of mission-critical apps from source or from upstream repositories.
Maybe the debian packages are old because people do not care about and use always upstream because debian packages are old?
Eh, sorry, but stable means: only essential (i.e. security) bugfixes get into that version.
This is not a problem, it's a feature. If someone wants the latest greatest version of all packages, run testing or unstable. And if you need it for just one package, install the required package by hand. This works usually quite well.
The testing/unstable branch contains version 3.3.3 as of writing this which is the currently released version, see https://packages.qa.debian.org/m/mailman3/news/20210205T001903Z.html (and which was uploaded about a day after release - not a bad timing).
I would be quite careful speculating that someone may be not careing about something.