On Aug 18, 2021, at 6:44 AM, Richard Rosner <rrosner5@gmail.com> wrote:
Abhilash Raj wrote:
is the config to talk uwsgi protocol and you want to configure Web server to Proxy using the same protocol. You can find that in the uwsgi docs here: https://uwsgi-docs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/Apache.html You probably need an apache module to speak uwsgi, the docs should have the details. Notice the URL is uwsgi:// instead of http://. Other way is to configure uWSGI to speak HTTP, which can be done by replacing "uwsgi-socket" by "http-socket” in the uwsgi.ini configuration. This might be the easiest for you to try, do make sure to restart the mailman-web service after making the change in uwsgi.ini.
Thanks, that already helped quite a bit. The website is now loading again, but unfortunately not much else. The site still shows no Connection to REST API.
Is your mailman core systemd service up and running? Have you modified the default host:port for Core in mailman.cfg?
-- thanks, Abhilash Raj (maxking)