Victoriano Giralt writes:
I've visited Weblate, all Spanish strings are translated. Spanish is 100% translated, but, none of them have been "approved", whatever that is. It seems that a reviewer needs to approve the translation in order for them to be incorporated or released or whatever. I was sure I had reviewed everything between November 7th and the day Abhilash announced the release candidate and asked for translation review, but nothing has made it to the released version.
Maybe there's something in the translation flow that we are doing wrong. I'm starting to miss the good old days when Mailman 2 translators just downloaded the .po files and returned them :-)
Probably all it needs is for someone other than the submitter to check a box. I doubt there is an assigned reviewer/owner, just any translator registered for that language. That's the way Debian used to work, anyway, and it seems like a good way for open source to work.
@Abhilash, you set up Weblate, right? Do you know anything about this?