Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
Mark Sapiro writes:
On 11/18/21 6:38 AM, Andrew Hodgson wrote:
Ok thanks for this. Its happening because the Gunicorn process > > running the Django server is being killed due to OOM > > conditions. Is there any settings I can change to > > troubleshoot/throttle this in Gunicorn or Django?
I don't think there's anything that can be done in gunicorn or django > about this. This is an OS issue. You need to give the server more memory > or allocate a (bigger) swap file.
If those things are difficult, depending on OS and the hardware, it may also be possible to tell the OS that gunicorn is an import process that should not be killed. But in the long run, the server needs more memory.
Thanks for this it was due to changing cloud providers. My old provider I installed Debian from an ISO file which created the swap partition but on the new provider I used their cloud image with no swap. Swap now created and everything is back to normal. Its running on an instance with 2GB of RAM and based on how I am seeing the usage running I would see this as an absolute minimum for a standard Mailman 3 stack.
Thanks. Andrew.