Sorry can you give a clear example of how to hard code ips,
I get this
docker-compose up -d Removing dockermailman_database_1 Recreating 2eaf91c7d09d_2eaf91c7d09d_dockermailman_database_1 ... error
ERROR: for 2eaf91c7d09d_2eaf91c7d09d_dockermailman_database_1 b'user specified IP address is supported only when connecting to networks with user configured subnets'
My yaml file is based of your example
cat docker-compose.yaml version: '2'
services: mailman-core: image: maxking/mailman-core:0.3 container_name: mailman-core hostname: mailman-core volumes: - /opt/mailman/core:/opt/mailman/ stop_grace_period: 30s links: - database:database depends_on: - database environment: - SMTP_HOST= . . . ports: - "" # API - "" # LMTP - incoming emails networks: mailman: ipv4_address:
mailman-web: image: maxking/mailman-web:0.3 container_name: mailman-web hostname: mailman-web depends_on: - database links: - mailman-core:mailman-core - database:database volumes: - /opt/mailman/web:/opt/mailman-web-data environment: . . . ports: - "" # HTTP - "" # uwsgi networks: mailman: ipv4_address:
database: environment: . . image: postgres:9.6-alpine volumes: - /opt/mailman/database:/var/lib/postgresql/data networks: mailman: ipv4_address:
networks: mailman: driver: bridge ipam: driver: default config: - subnet: