One of my list administrators told me that all seven list administrators on a list received a "None <foo@example.com> has been successfully subscribed to [LIST NAME].", when someone subscribed to their list, however the sender of the mail (From:) was my own work mail address. I am not associated with the list other that I am site admin.
The log /opt/mailman/web/logs/smtp.log seems to confirm that Mailman have sendt the mail on behalf of me.
Sep 13 09:07:24 2018 (34) <153682964402.36.12950433926619808467@mailman-core> smtp to [LISTNAME]@lists.example.com for 7 recips, completed in 0.12819194793701172 seconds Sep 13 09:07:24 2018 (34) <153682964402.36.12950433926619808467@mailman-core> post to [LISTNAME]@lists.example.com from me@example.com, 525 bytes
How can I, the site admin, be the sender og the mail?
Note: Mailman 3 have been running with users half a year, but last week the particular list was imported from Mailman 2 using import21.